
4 School Dances Only, is a division of their parent company, Divine Sound & Lighting which took school dance functions and separated it from its corporate and social events business practice. By doing this, we are able to concentrate on the ENTIRE aspect of school dances and focus on a complete solution to bringing the excitement and thrill to the art of the school dance.

We use custom edited music to deliver the music students want, AND what teachers expect at a school function. Our DJ’s have appeared on and hosted radio stations and major events, bringing years of DJ, Emcee, and hosting experience to the table. We keep EVERY event at a high tempo with at least one OR more LIVE Emcees, and the 4SDO Squad brings THE BEST lights shows in Indiana…. HANDS DOWN, premium quality audio(NO LIE!!!) with heart-stopping bass, video screens with LIVE video feeds, animations, graphics, in Indiana. We are school dance specialists!


